Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh My...Oh Dear...Oh Help

If you look closely enough at all this jumbled up
stuff you may be able to figure out how
Miss Dilly Bean finds a TON of sunshine
for about 9 1/2 months every year.
Okay...this room is a mess right now,
but if you guessed elementary teacher then you
are right! (but no prize...sorry)

Here's a little secret...most classrooms don't
look pretty AT ALL in the summer.

But wait, there's a reason all the classroom furniture
is moved to the center of the room.

Keep reading to find out!

My classroom walls and multi-colored bookshelves
are getting painted!  (and the oodles of little holes in the walls
will get spackled!)

Plus, Mr. Dilly Bean is the one doing the painting.
This is terrific because he is great at
painting, and he knows that Miss Dilly Bean
is a little picky about how a room
should look so he'll get it JUST right.

Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!

Did you know painting is harder than it seems?
I am apparently very bad at it according
to a certain someone.
And you know what???
He's right!

Oh well! (My pekingese don't care if I can't paint

Here's another secret:  Miss Dilly Bean
almost always has an organized teacher's desk.
Even in the summer...

An organized teacher's desk = a LOT of sunshine

This sweet classroom may be a little
dishelved right now, and all Miss Dilly Bean's
cute teachery things may be boxed up...

But make no mistake...THIS magnet stays!

Wonderful wishes to everyone today, and may you
find sunshine today even in your jumbled messes.
(If you have any...)

Miss Dilly Bean

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