Saturday, June 30, 2012

One Little Piggy...Two Little Piggies

What did Miss Dilly Bean do last August???

Oh dear, dear, dear-

Two baby girl guinea pigs joined the Dilly Bean
household.  (Well, don't forget where
Miss Dilly Bean spends most her
an elementary classroom so these were really
for the CLASSROOM.)

People who know Miss Dilly Bean well though
thought she got them just for HERSELF.

Can you believe that?????

Daffodil and Buttercup are two
cutie pies full of squeaky sunshine.

Daffodil is the smooth coated piggy on the left,
and Buttercup is the swirly coated piggy on your right.
(During this little photo shoot, Buttercup kept
trying to eat the blue crinkle paper.  Silly piggy!)

In the near future, you'll hear more about
these little critters because...

Miss Dilly Bean has other cute
photos of them she REALLY wants
you to see.

Wishing everyone a day of sunshine
especially if you have something that squeaks!

Miss Dilly Bean

Friday, June 29, 2012

You're Looking Better Little Classroom

Do you all remember that
my little elementary classroom is getting
a little help this summer? 
(Well, a lot of help from Mr. Dilly Bean!)

The oodles of holes have been
spackled and sanded.

Bright orange, green, and red bookshelves
have a coat of primer on them.

Doesn't this little corner bookshelf have a
vintage feel to it?

The classroom doors have lost
their royal blue color and are waiting for
a nice neutral color.

Little classroom, you are looking
better every day.

Hope something in your life is looking
a little better everyday!

Miss Dilly Bean

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lucy = Love = Sunshine

It probably didn't take long for all of you
out there to figure out that Miss Dilly Bean
finds a ton of her sunshine from
cutey cute critters.

This cutey cute critter is one of Miss Dilly Bean's sister's dogs.
Meet Lucy, the dachshund.

If you met Miss Dilly Bean and her sister together you would
never guess they are sisters, but you
would quickly realize they both
ADORE animals.

Lucy (aka LuLu, Lulabelle, the Lu, Lucille) is 12 yrs. old, and
to be honest she is a little WEIRD in
a wonderful way.

Her only goal in life is to sleep in her plush doggy bed
in the laundry room surrounded by daily
laundered blankets.

Lucy likes to be tucked into her bed several times a day.
How hard can that be...right???
Well...if you don't position her freshly laundered
blanket over her JUST right, she will
reluctantly emerge from her kingdom
and demand (by barking louder than you think
that little dog can) for you to come

We laugh about how young Lucy still looks
and have decided the secret is to be surrounded
and covered by fresh laundry every day!

Hope everyone finds some sunshine
that makes them feel and look young too!

Miss Dilly Bean

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh My...Oh Dear...Oh Help

If you look closely enough at all this jumbled up
stuff you may be able to figure out how
Miss Dilly Bean finds a TON of sunshine
for about 9 1/2 months every year.
Okay...this room is a mess right now,
but if you guessed elementary teacher then you
are right! (but no prize...sorry)

Here's a little secret...most classrooms don't
look pretty AT ALL in the summer.

But wait, there's a reason all the classroom furniture
is moved to the center of the room.

Keep reading to find out!

My classroom walls and multi-colored bookshelves
are getting painted!  (and the oodles of little holes in the walls
will get spackled!)

Plus, Mr. Dilly Bean is the one doing the painting.
This is terrific because he is great at
painting, and he knows that Miss Dilly Bean
is a little picky about how a room
should look so he'll get it JUST right.

Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!

Did you know painting is harder than it seems?
I am apparently very bad at it according
to a certain someone.
And you know what???
He's right!

Oh well! (My pekingese don't care if I can't paint

Here's another secret:  Miss Dilly Bean
almost always has an organized teacher's desk.
Even in the summer...

An organized teacher's desk = a LOT of sunshine

This sweet classroom may be a little
dishelved right now, and all Miss Dilly Bean's
cute teachery things may be boxed up...

But make no mistake...THIS magnet stays!

Wonderful wishes to everyone today, and may you
find sunshine today even in your jumbled messes.
(If you have any...)

Miss Dilly Bean

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Pinky Pink Tongue

Remember my girl, Rosie the Peke???
THIS is her trademark look...snoozing away
with her floppy, pinky pink tongue hanging out.

She's just about to take her morning nap after finishing
her chewy treat.

Off to sleepville my little girl goes.  The pinky pink
tongue where.  Well, a little closer to
the chewed up rawhide.  If Rosie could eat
and sleep at the same time I think she
might have found doggy heaven.

Now pretend you can HEAR this little
blog post.  What's that delightful noise???

Why it must be a litte red peke snoring.

Rosie's found her sunshine.

Hope you all find sunshine in your sleepy dreams too!
Miss Dilly Bean

P.S.- People ask me what happens to Rosie's tongue
after hanging out like that FOREVER. 
Well, it's get dry, dry, dry.
(Yes, because I've touched it - How could you not
take a quick feel of that pinky pink tongue???)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Farm Fresh...and One Kitty Foot

Okay everyone, take it from Miss Dilly Bean. 
If you're looking for some easy sunshine
in your life then enjoy some farm fresh
eggs!  No, I don't live on a farm (not because
I don't want to...).

Mr. Dilly Bean works with a lady who has
a chicken coop in her city-living backyard (something
I really want!!!)

She sells the extras and yum- yum- yum!
If you've lived like me and thought all eggs
were the same, well think again!

For starters the eggs are so pretty.  I LOVE the
light blue ones.  Secondly, who knew how much flavor
was in a fresh egg???  (well...Miss Dilly Bean didn't know)

When Mr. Dilly Bean comes through the door
with this little treat we all get excited at our house -
including the pesky orange tabby kitty who
couldn't resist getting his little paw
in the photo!

Happy Sunshine Picking Everyone!
Miss Dilly Bean

Saturday, June 23, 2012

River Living...I Could Do That!

Remember from my last blog that we were off
to visit my dad and his wife?  (In totally luxury
I might add!)
We arrived in late afternoon.  This is their backyard
and the river.  The river may look high but actually
is very low right now.  Behind the stone wall
is quite a drop off. 
I could easily get used to river living.

My dad and his wife have 2 precious
schnauzers.  (They are not
pekingese...and  you know how I feel
about pekingese, but I decided
that was okay.)
This is Lucy.  She is quiet, sweet, and
super attached to her momma!

Lilly, on the other hand, was
in charge!  Don't even
think about trying to love on Lucy
unless you are loving on Lilly
at the same time.  If my dad's wife
left the house even for a minute
to step outside, they would
both start howling for her.
Soooo Cute!

Look at this darling garden of theirs.  I love
the wooden fencing and the zinnias poking their
little heads through the slats.
I just love zinnias. (and daisies)

Coleslaw anyone???

My dad's wife loves to garden, and there had to have
been at least 25 or more pots of all shapes and sizes
with flowers in all shapes and sizes.
Combine all the flowers, the quaint garden, and the
river view, and you've got yourself one happy,
happy, happy Miss Dilly Bean.

Lucky me!  Look what I got to bring home from
that cute, little garden!!  (I forced myself
to share some with my sister.)

Good Bye river.  (and driftwood sitting on the
rock ledge) 
I could get used to looking at you every day, river...just as long
as you didn't get too high!

Hope everyone sees something beautiful in their life today-
Miss Dilly Bean

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are We There Yet?

Miss Dilly Bean went with her sister, brother-in-law, and
 nephew to visit her dad and his wife last week.
  Usually Miss Dilly Bean goes in
her pitiful, little car.  (sorry little car)

 This way of traveling
 was WAY MORE FUN!  Miss Dilly Bean
could get used to napping on the sofa, reclining
in plush chairs, and watching scenery
from any one of the massive windows.

Just don't ask her sister to tell you about
the time one of her pups got car
 sick in there.  Really, DO NOT ASK her! 
She likes to go into vivid detail even when
you keep asking her to stop!

Hope all of you experience a little luxury in your lives.

Miss Dilly Bean

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Did You Forget Someone???

Ummm...Did you forget about me?  It's come
to my attention from a certain pesky snorable adorable
that Miss Dilly Bean's FIRST post should
have featured the FIRST pekingese
who came into our lives. Rosie!
Rosie was adopted after her first owner could
no longer care for her.  Having Rosie
convinced me I was destined to have pekingese.

When I tell you she is SNORABLE ADORABLE...
Rosie grunts, snores, and has bottom teeth that
often protrude while her pinky pink tongue
flops to the floor.  (Don't let today's picture fool you.
Rosie is a mess!  I promise to share some more accurate
photos of Little Miss Hard Head.)

Have a snorable adorable day everyone!
Miss Dilly Bean

P.S.- For those of  you curious, Rosie is napping in a
sock monkey bed, and well, the cute end is not in view...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maizie is Always My Sunshine

Sweet Sunshine Galore!!!  That's my Maizie.  All 
you pekingese lovers out there agree, I know.  If you
need some sunshine in your day just hunt down
a pekingese.  (Most likely they'll be found being
snorable adorable on their owner's sofa.) 
Maizie is a rescue peke who lost an eye
probably due to neglect from her previous owner.
She is a fircracker of love every day.
Lucky, lucky me- instant sunshine always at my feet.