Monday, July 23, 2012

Ummm...Is This Part of the Tour???

All Aboard!  Miss Dilly Bean
is not ashamed to admit that while in
our nation's capital she was a TOURIST.

Being a tourist means you have
to ride the DC DUCKS!
(It really is a rule. Isn't that right, Little DC Duck Boat?)

Of course, Miss Dilly Bean couldn't go be a
TOURIST without her nephew.

Once he heard about the NIFTY, NIFTY, NIFTY
souvenir duck whistle he couldn't wait
to go!

(Miss Dilly Bean might be exaggerating a bit,
but truly her nephew was a
very good sport about being a TOURIST.)

On the land portion of the duck boat tour,
Miss Dilly Bean and her nephew saw oodles
of the famous museums, statues, and landmarks.

(But that's not what today's little blog story is about
so keep reading.)

It was time to head out to the Potomac River.

Remember, this is a DUCK BOAT TOUR.

You have to go in the water!

This is the photo you care about, Little Reader.

After SLOWLY zooming around the
Potomac River, the duck boat captain
 stops right next to the
(It is on the other side of this photo.
Take note of how close to land
the little duck boat is.)

The captain casually mentions what a great day it is
because the winds are coming from the SOUTH which
means the planes land in a different direction.

Miss Dilly Bean STILL did not know where the captain was going
with his little story.

Then he casually pointed out that his boss sort of frowned on
the next activity.

Miss Dilly Bean was frowning a bit too.

See that little ENORMOUS plane about to land

Miss Dilly Bean's photo doesn't do the next moment true
justice, but in a split second the BELLY
of that BEASTLY plane was
practically on TOP, TOP, TOP of the little duck boat.

"Were you scared, Little Duck Boat?"

Little Duck Boat said it was very scared,
but luckily it all happened in just seconds.

If Miss Dilly Bean had been a cat, she would have
used one of her lives right then and there!

So now Miss Dilly Bean can honestly say
she has had a plane almost land on her
HEAD and lived to tell about it.

Plus she now has a NIFTY souvenir.

Wishing all of you a chance to be a TOURIST
somewhere and getting your own
NIFTY souvenir.

Miss Dilly Bean

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